Forecast |
Forecast |
Variance |
Variance |
Month 5 |
Month 7 |
Movement |
Movement |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
Explanation of Main Movements |
Director of Families, Children & Learning |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Health, SEN & Disability Services |
858 |
652 |
(206) |
4 |
Children's disability residential placements deferred due to lack of suitable market provision. |
Education & Skills |
84 |
66 |
(18) |
(91) |
Children's Safeguarding & Care |
(452) |
(443) |
9 |
0 |
Quality Assurance & Performance |
33 |
13 |
(20) |
0 |
Total Families, Children & Learning |
523 |
288 |
(235) |
(87) |
Adult Social Care |
1,150 |
232 |
(918) |
(2) |
Hospital Discharge COVID-19 funding extended to March 2022. |
S75 Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) |
(843) |
(1,196) |
(353) |
0 |
Hospital Discharge COVID-19 funding extended to March 2022. |
Integrated Commissioning |
233 |
154 |
(79) |
0 |
Public Health |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4 |
Further Financial Recovery Measures |
(1,313) |
(1,157) |
156 |
0 |
Achievement of Recovery Measures included in forecast above. |
Total Health & Adult Social Care |
(773) |
(1,967) |
(1,194) |
2 |
Transport |
2,130 |
1,278 |
(852) |
(596) |
Improvement in the forecast income within Parking Services for Permit income (£0.110m), Off street parking income (£0.216m) and PCN income (£0.285m). There are also reductions in the expenditure forecast for off street car parking costs of £0.080m. Additional forecast income within Traffic Management of £0.177m, of which Hoardings accounts for £0.150m and Traffic Regulation Orders £0.025m. Improvements to the latest estimate of the Sales, Fees & Charges (SFC) grant for losses in the first quarter generating additional grant income of £0.015m. This figure is offset with the balance of under accrued SFC grant relating to 2020/21 of £0.031m. |
City Environmental Management |
429 |
627 |
198 |
(20) |
Net additional costs of £0.141m paid to staff for catch up work following industrial action. Reductions in commercial income forecast of £0.173m plus revised costings of commercial waste disposal of £0.116m. Further reductions in vehicle costs of £0.201m. Reductions in supplies & services of £0.012m and staffing of £0.021m in Strategy & Projects. Net increase to supplies & services of £0.026m in City Parks. Improvements to the latest estimate of the SFC grant for losses in the first quarter generating additional grant income of £0.020m |
City Development & Regeneration |
247 |
331 |
84 |
30 |
Reduction in planning control applications income of £0.097m but also reduction in staffing and supplies & services expenditure forecasts of £0.044m. Revised estimate of SFC grant due to be claimed based on eligible losses has increased the overspend by £0.030m |
Culture, Tourism & Sport |
570 |
362 |
(208) |
(45) |
Further forecast underachievement of Outdoor Events Income of £0.034m. Improvements to Income forecast within Venues and Tourism & Marketing of £0.149m. Improvements to the latest estimate of the Sales, Fees & Charges grant for losses in the first quarter generating additional grant income of £0.066m. Net balance of SFC grant relating to 2020/21 that was over accrued by (£0.022m) |
Property |
53 |
118 |
65 |
0 |
The pressure has increased since Month 5 because of estimated additional gas costs due to the national and international price increases, agreement of rent reductions and some additional security costs. |
Total Economy, Environment & Culture |
3,429 |
2,716 |
(713) |
(631) |
Housing General Fund |
3,653 |
1,635 |
(2,018) |
(2,379) |
Use of 2021/22 COMF (£1.615m), reduction in net costs relating to emergency hotels (£0.764m), increased forecast for TA £0.191m, reduced forecast overspend for commissioned services (£0.047m), forecast overspend for seaside homes £0.253m, reduced forecast for adaptations (£0.068m). |
Libraries |
145 |
123 |
(22) |
0 |
Communities, Equalities & Third Sector |
0 |
(75) |
(75) |
0 |
Staff vacancies. |
Safer Communities |
0 |
(80) |
(80) |
0 |
Staff vacancies. |
Further Financial Recovery Measures |
(1,815) |
0 |
1,815 |
1,815 |
Use of 2021/22 unallocated COMF grant (£1.615m) and service recovery plan to reduce the numbers of households in Emergency hotels and emergency accommodation (£0.200m). |
Total Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities |
1,983 |
1,603 |
(380) |
(564) |
Finance (Mobo) |
(35) |
(35) |
0 |
0 |
HR & Organisational Development (Mobo) |
19 |
83 |
64 |
0 |
Staffing cost pressures in the union facilities time. |
IT&D (Mobo) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Procurement (Mobo |
172 |
172 |
0 |
0 |
Business Operations (Mobo) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Revenues & Benefits (Mobo) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Housing Benefit Subsidy |
327 |
327 |
0 |
0 |
Contribution to Orbis |
497 |
617 |
120 |
0 |
Increased overspend in the Orbis Partnership. |
Total Finance & Resources |
980 |
1,164 |
184 |
0 |
Corporate Policy |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Legal Services |
(25) |
(25) |
0 |
0 |
Democratic & Civic Office Services |
(9) |
7 |
16 |
0 |
Minor variances. |
Life Events |
26 |
51 |
25 |
0 |
Worsening income pressure in Bereavement. |
Performance, Improvement & Programmes |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Communications |
(11) |
(70) |
(59) |
0 |
Mainly due to improved forecast in recharge income. |
Further Financial Recovery Measures |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total Strategy, Governance & Law |
(19) |
(37) |
(18) |
0 |
Bulk Insurance Premia |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Capital Financing Costs |
(1,866) |
(2,040) |
(174) |
0 |
Combination of increased investment income and increased underspend on interest payable. |
Levies & Precepts |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Unallocated Contingency & Risk Provisions |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Unringfenced Grants |
0 |
(139) |
(139) |
0 |
Releasing unused pressure funding for grant reductions and additional allocation for Extended Rights to Free Transport. |
Other Corporate Items |
(98) |
1,808 |
1,906 |
0 |
Increase in pay costs due to the increase in the NJC pay award offer (£0.321m), increasing the council’s minimum pay grade (£0.491m) and resolving the recent industrial dispute (£1.094m). |
Total Corporately-held Budgets |
(1,964) |
(371) |
1,593 |
0 |
Total General Fund |
4,159 |
3,396 |
(763) |
(1,280) |